Intro and Helpful Links

Hi guys!!!  I am so excited to open our blog up for Sewing, Embroidery, Craft and Digitizing tutorials!  As well as showing off projects, including written instruction for videos (someday), fabric hauls, craft events and so much more.  This is a work in progress but here are a few of our links to help you get to know us and help you find some materials and supplies.  Thanks!!

Here is a link to our Amazon Store where you can find supplies and materials for Sewing, Embroidery and the Brother ScanNCut!!

*Here is a link to Christian's Etsy page:

*Here is a link to our facebook page:

*Here is a link to our Scan n Cut for Beginners Page on Facebook (Emphasis on Beginners):

*Here is a link to our Sew Art for Beginners Group (Emphasis on Beginners):

*Here is a link to another Sew Art group that can help with more advanced questions:

*Here is a link to S and S Computing where you can buy Sew Art, Sew What Pro and a list of other embroidery related software.  You can also find more video tutorials, customer service and you can download the free trials:

*You can also buy Sew Art & Sew What Pro as well as the rest of the S and S software from the Baby's Booty, she also has a boatload of Sew What Pro tutorials as well as general machine embroidery and business help related videos on her YouTube Page:

*I also sell SewArt, I will add more parts of the suite as I get better at each program, right now I can speak for SewArt, but I don't know enough about the other S&S products to feel comfortable selling them to you.

*Here is a link to the SewWhatPro group that we are in (This group is wonderful and very helpful):

*Here is a link to Stephanie's Etsy page (work in progress):


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wonderful job. Thanks to your above posted links; which are really very helpful for those providing embroidery digitizing services. Thanks

  3. Applique embroidery digitizing brings such a unique touch to designs. It's all about personalizing and making creations stand out. The intricacies of this technique allow for incredible customization. It's a true art form that adds depth and character to any project. Embracing it opens up a world of creative possibilities.

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